Package lazyj

Class DBFunctions

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable

public class DBFunctions
extends java.lang.Object
Wrapper for JDBC connections and collection of useful functions related to database connections. It is also a connection pool, recycling previously established sessions and closing the idle ones.
Oct 15, 2006
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  DBFunctions.DBConnection
    Wrapper around a raw database connection.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,​java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger> chmQueryCount
    For statistics: how many queries were executed on each connection.
    static java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,​java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong> chmQueryTime
    For statistics: total time to execute the queries on each of the connections.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    DBFunctions​(java.lang.String driverClass, java.lang.String jdbcURL)
    If you already have the full JDBC connection URL, connect like this.
    DBFunctions​(java.lang.String driverClass, java.lang.String jdbcURL, java.util.Properties configProperties)
    If you already have the full JDBC connection URL, connect like this
    DBFunctions​(java.lang.String driverClass, java.lang.String jdbcURL, java.util.Properties configProperties, java.lang.String sQuery)
    If you already have the full JDBC connection URL, connect like this.
    DBFunctions​(java.util.Properties configProperties)  
    DBFunctions​(java.util.Properties configProperties, java.lang.String sQuery)
    Create a connection to the database using the parameters in this properties file, then execute the given query.
    DBFunctions​(ExtProperties configProperties)
    Create a connection to the database using the parameters in this properties file.
    DBFunctions​(ExtProperties configProperties, java.lang.String sQuery)
    Create a connection to the database using the parameters in this properties file, then execute the given query.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean absolute​(int position)
    Jump to an absolute position in the result set
    void close()
    Explicitly close the allocated resources
    static java.lang.String composeInsert​(java.lang.String tableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> values)
    Create an INSERT statement for these values
    static java.lang.String composeUpdate​(java.lang.String tableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> values, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> primaryKeys)
    Compose an UPDATE SQL statement
    static java.lang.String composeUpsert​(java.lang.String tableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> values, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> primaryKeys)
    Build a INSERT-on-conflict-UPDATE query
    int count()
    Get the number of rows that were selected by the previous query.
    static java.util.List<java.lang.String> decode​(java.lang.String sValue)
    Given an array in PostgreSQL format, convert it to a Java array of Strings.
    static java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> decodeToInt​(java.lang.String sValue)
    Convert each entry from an array to Integer.
    static java.util.List<java.lang.Long> decodeToLong​(java.lang.String sValue)
    Convert each entry from an array to Long.
    static java.lang.String encodeArray​(java.util.Collection<?> array)
    Generate a PostgreSQL array representation of the given one-dimensional collection.
    protected void finalize()
    Override the default destructor to properly close any resources in use.
    static java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer> getActiveConnections()
    Statistics : get the number of connections per each unique key
    static long getActiveConnectionsCount()
    Statistics : get the number of connections currently established
    boolean getb​(int iColumn, boolean bDefault)
    Get the boolean value of a column
    boolean getb​(java.lang.String sColumn, boolean bDefault)
    Get the boolean value of a column
    byte[] getBytes​(int iColumn)
    Get the raw bytes of this column
    byte[] getBytes​(java.lang.String columnName)
    Get the raw bytes of this column
    static long getClosedConnectionsCount()
    Statistics : the total number of closed connection to the databases until now.
    static long getClosedOnFinalizeConnectionsCount()
    Statistics : the total number of closed connection to the databases executed when the object is deallocated.
    java.lang.String[] getColumnNames()
    A shortcut to find out the column names for this query
    java.lang.String getConnectFailReason()
    Get the reason why the last connect() attempt has failed.
    DBFunctions.DBConnection getConnection()
    Get a raw database connection wrapper.
    int getCursorType()  
    double getd​(int iColumn)
    Get the double value of a column.
    double getd​(int iColumn, double dDefault)
    Get the double value of a column.
    double getd​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
    Get the double value of a column.
    double getd​(java.lang.String sColumnName, double dDefault)
    Get the double value of a column.
    java.util.Date getDate​(int iColumn)
    Get the column contents converted to Date.
    java.util.Date getDate​(int iColumn, java.util.Date dDefault)
    Get the value of a column as a Date object.
    java.util.Date getDate​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
    Get the column contents converted to Date.
    java.util.Date getDate​(java.lang.String sColumnName, java.util.Date dDefault)
    Get the column contents converted to Date.
    java.lang.String getEquivalentInsert​(java.lang.String sTable)
    Get the SQL INSERT statement that would generate the current row with all the columns (their aliases more precisely).
    java.lang.String getEquivalentInsert​(java.lang.String sTable, java.lang.String[] columns)
    Get the SQL INSERT statement that would generate the current row, for the given list of columns
    java.lang.String getEquivalentInsert​(java.lang.String sTable, java.lang.String[] columns, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> overrides)
    Get the SQL INSERT statement that would generate the current row, for the given list of columns
    float getf​(int iColumn)
    Get the float value of a column.
    float getf​(int iColumn, float fDefault)
    Get the float value of a column.
    float getf​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
    Get the float value of a column.
    float getf​(java.lang.String sColumnName, float fDefault)
    Get the float value of a column.
    static java.lang.String getFormattedValue​(java.lang.Object o)
    Get the value formatted for SQL statements
    int geti​(int iColumn)
    Get the value of this column as int, returning the default value of 0 if the conversion is not possible.
    int geti​(int iColumn, int iDefault)
    Get the integer value of a column.
    int geti​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
    Get the value of this column as int.
    int geti​(java.lang.String sColumnName, int iDefault)
    Get the value of this column as int, returning the default value if the conversion is not possible.
    java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getIntArray​(int iColumn)
    Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of Integer objects
    java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getIntArray​(java.lang.String sColumn)
    Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of Integer objects
    long getl​(int iColCount)
    Get the long value of a column.
    long getl​(int iColCount, long lDefault)
    Get the long value of a column.
    long getl​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
    Get the long value of a column.
    long getl​(java.lang.String sColumnName, long lDefault)
    Get the long value of a column.
    java.lang.Exception getLastError()  
    java.lang.Integer getLastGeneratedKey()
    Get the last generated key, after setLastGeneratedKey(boolean) was called with true
    java.lang.Long getLastGeneratedKeyLong()
    Get the last generated key, after setLastGeneratedKey(boolean) was called with true
    java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()
    Get the meta information for the current query.
    java.lang.Object getObject​(int columnId)
    Get the content of a column, as native object prepared by the JDBC driver
    java.lang.Object getObject​(java.lang.String columnName)
    Get the content of a column, as native object prepared by the JDBC driver
    static long getOpenedConnectionsCount()
    Statistics : the total number of opened connection to the databases until now.
    int getPosition()
    Get the current position in the result set
    static long getQueryCount()
    Statistics : get the total number of executed queries.
    java.lang.String gets​(int iColumn)
    Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its position
    java.lang.String gets​(int iColumn, java.lang.String sDefault)
    Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its position.
    java.lang.String gets​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
    Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its name.
    java.lang.String gets​(java.lang.String sColumnName, java.lang.String sDefault)
    Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its name.
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> getStringArray​(int iColumn)
    Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of String objects
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> getStringArray​(java.lang.String sColumn)
    Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of StriG96Lng objects
    int getTransactionIsolationLevel()  
    int getUpdateCount()
    Get the number of rows affected by the last SQL update query.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getValuesMap()
    Convert the result set in a column name -> value mapping
    boolean isMySQL()
    Check if this connection is done to a MySQL database (if we are using the MySQL JDBC driver)
    boolean isPostgreSQL()
    Check if this connection is done to a PostgreSQL database (if we are using the PG JDBC driver)
    boolean isReadOnly()
    Get the current value of the read-only flag
    boolean moveNext()
    Jump to the next row in the result
    static java.lang.String propToJDBC​(java.util.Properties prop)
    Build a JDBC URL connection string for a bunch of parameters
    boolean query​(java.lang.String sQuery)
    Execute a query.
    boolean query​(java.lang.String sQuery, boolean bIgnoreErrors, java.lang.Object... values)
    Execute an error and as an option you can force to ignore any errors, no to log them if you expect a query to fail.
    boolean relative​(int count)
    Jump an arbitrary number of rows.
    int setCursorType​(int type)
    Set the cursor type to one of the ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (default), ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE (when you need count() or such) and so on.
    boolean setLastGeneratedKey​(boolean enabled)
    Enable the fetching of the last generated ID
    int setQueryTimeout​(int newTimeout)
    Set the query timeout.
    boolean setReadOnly​(boolean readOnly)
    Signal that the following query is read-only and, if available, a database slave could be used to execute it.
    void setTransactionIsolation​(int isolationLevel)
    Override the transaction isolation level for the following queries.
    long setValidateInterval​(long newValidateInterval)
    Set how often to validate the connection.
    static void startThread()
    Start the cleanup thread.
    static void stopThread()
    Signal the thread that it's time to stop.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • chmQueryCount

      public static final java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,​java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger> chmQueryCount
      For statistics: how many queries were executed on each connection.
    • chmQueryTime

      public static final java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,​java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong> chmQueryTime
      For statistics: total time to execute the queries on each of the connections.
  • Constructor Details

    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(ExtProperties configProperties)
      Create a connection to the database using the parameters in this properties file. The following keys are extracted:
      • driver : (required) one of org.postgresql.Driver, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver or
      • url : (required) full JDBC URL. If found it would be preferred instead of the following keys (database, host and port)
      • database : (required; alternative) name of the database to connect to
      • host : (optional) server's ip address, defaults to
      • port : (optional) tcp port to connect to on the host, if it is missing the default port for each database type is used
      • user : (recommended) supply this account name when connecting
      • password : (recommended) password for the account
      • transactionIsolation : (optional) numerical value of the transaction isolation constant. Default 2 (read committed). Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED
      Any other keys will be passed as arguments to the driver. You might be interested in:
      • MySQL:
        • connectTimeout : timeout in milliseconds for a new connection, default is 0 infinite)
        • useCompression : true/false, default false
      • PostgreSQL:
        • ssl : present=true for now
        • charSet : string
      check the provided links for more information.
      configProperties - connection options
    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(java.util.Properties configProperties)
      configProperties -
      See Also:
    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(java.util.Properties configProperties, java.lang.String sQuery)
      Create a connection to the database using the parameters in this properties file, then execute the given query.
      configProperties - connection parameters
      sQuery - query to execute after connecting
      See Also:
    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(ExtProperties configProperties, java.lang.String sQuery)
      Create a connection to the database using the parameters in this properties file, then execute the given query.
      configProperties - connection parameters
      sQuery - query to execute after connecting
      See Also:
    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(java.lang.String driverClass, java.lang.String jdbcURL)
      If you already have the full JDBC connection URL, connect like this.
      driverClass - JDBC driver class name
      jdbcURL - JDBC connection URL
      See Also:
      DBFunctions(String, String, Properties)
    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(java.lang.String driverClass, java.lang.String jdbcURL, java.util.Properties configProperties)
      If you already have the full JDBC connection URL, connect like this
      driverClass - JDBC driver class name
      jdbcURL - full JDBC connection URL
      configProperties - extra configuration options. Can be null if the URL has everything in it
      See Also:
    • DBFunctions

      public DBFunctions​(java.lang.String driverClass, java.lang.String jdbcURL, java.util.Properties configProperties, java.lang.String sQuery)
      If you already have the full JDBC connection URL, connect like this.
      driverClass - JDBC driver class name
      jdbcURL - full JDBC connection URL
      configProperties - extra configuration options
      sQuery - query to execute
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setReadOnly

      public boolean setReadOnly​(boolean readOnly)
      Signal that the following query is read-only and, if available, a database slave could be used to execute it.
      readOnly - if true then the query can potentially go to a slave, if false then only the master can execute it
      previous value of the read-only flag
    • isReadOnly

      public boolean isReadOnly()
      Get the current value of the read-only flag
      read-only flag
    • setCursorType

      public int setCursorType​(int type)
      Set the cursor type to one of the ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (default), ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE (when you need count() or such) and so on.
      type - new cursor type
      previous cursor type
    • getCursorType

      public int getCursorType()
      cursor type
    • setTransactionIsolation

      public void setTransactionIsolation​(int isolationLevel)
      Override the transaction isolation level for the following queries. Set to -1 to disable any override.
      isolationLevel -
    • getTransactionIsolationLevel

      public int getTransactionIsolationLevel()
      the override value
    • isPostgreSQL

      public boolean isPostgreSQL()
      Check if this connection is done to a PostgreSQL database (if we are using the PG JDBC driver)
      true if the connection is done to a PostgreSQL database
    • isMySQL

      public boolean isMySQL()
      Check if this connection is done to a MySQL database (if we are using the MySQL JDBC driver)
      true if the connection is done to a MySQL database
    • getConnectFailReason

      public java.lang.String getConnectFailReason()
      Get the reason why the last connect() attempt has failed.
      reason, if there is any, or null if the connection actually worked
    • getConnection

      public final DBFunctions.DBConnection getConnection()
      Get a raw database connection wrapper. Remember to always or DBFunctions.DBConnection.close() at the end of the section where you use it!
      database connection wrapper or null if a connection cannot be established
      See Also:
    • propToJDBC

      public static final java.lang.String propToJDBC​(java.util.Properties prop)
      Build a JDBC URL connection string for a bunch of parameters
      prop -
      JDBC URL connection string, or null if for any reason it cannot be built (unknown driver?)
    • startThread

      public static final void startThread()
      Start the cleanup thread. Should not be called externally since it is called automatically at the first use of this class.
    • stopThread

      public static final void stopThread()
      Signal the thread that it's time to stop. You should only call this when the JVM is about to shut down, and not even then it's necessary to do so.
    • getUpdateCount

      public final int getUpdateCount()
      Get the number of rows affected by the last SQL update query.
      number of rows
    • close

      public void close()
      Explicitly close the allocated resources
      Specified by:
      close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface
    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      Override the default destructor to properly close any resources in use.
      finalize in class java.lang.Object
    • query

      public boolean query​(java.lang.String sQuery)
      Execute a query.
      sQuery - SQL query to execute
      true if the query succeeded, false if there was an error (connection or syntax).
      See Also:
      query(String, boolean,Object...)
    • setLastGeneratedKey

      public boolean setLastGeneratedKey​(boolean enabled)
      Enable the fetching of the last generated ID
      enabled - set to true to be able to do getLastGeneratedKey()
      the previous setting
      See Also:
    • getLastGeneratedKey

      public java.lang.Integer getLastGeneratedKey()
      Get the last generated key, after setLastGeneratedKey(boolean) was called with true
      the last generated key, as Integer, or null if there is any problem (or setLastGeneratedKey(boolean) was not generated)
      See Also:
    • getLastGeneratedKeyLong

      public java.lang.Long getLastGeneratedKeyLong()
      Get the last generated key, after setLastGeneratedKey(boolean) was called with true
      the last generated key, as Long, or null if there is any problem (or setLastGeneratedKey(boolean) was not generated)
      See Also:
    • setQueryTimeout

      public final int setQueryTimeout​(int newTimeout)
      Set the query timeout. This is implementation specific, make sure that the JDBC supports it and the functionality is enabled. For MySQL this is done via the enableQueryTimeouts=(default) true flag.
      newTimeout - query timeout, in seconds
      old execution timeout
    • setValidateInterval

      public final long setValidateInterval​(long newValidateInterval)
      Set how often to validate the connection. The default value is 0 meaning always check but it can also be overwritten from the properties passed to the constructor with the "validateInterval" key.
      newValidateInterval -
      old interval to execute isValid()
    • getLastError

      public java.lang.Exception getLastError()
      the last known exception
    • query

      public final boolean query​(java.lang.String sQuery, boolean bIgnoreErrors, java.lang.Object... values)
      Execute an error and as an option you can force to ignore any errors, no to log them if you expect a query to fail.
      sQuery - query to execute, can be a full query or a prepared statement in which case the values to the columns should be passed as well
      bIgnoreErrors - true if you want to hide any errors
      values - values to set to the prepared statement
      true if the query succeeded, false if there was an error
    • count

      public final int count()
      Get the number of rows that were selected by the previous query. Will only work if you have previously called setCursorType(int) with one of the ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_* constants.
      number of rows, or -1 if the query was not a select one or there was an error
    • getPosition

      public final int getPosition()
      Get the current position in the result set
      current position, -1 if there was an error
      See Also:
    • relative

      public final boolean relative​(int count)
      Jump an arbitrary number of rows.
      count - can be positive or negative
      true if the jump was possible, false if not
      See Also:
    • absolute

      public final boolean absolute​(int position)
      Jump to an absolute position in the result set
      position - new position
      true if the positioning was possible, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • moveNext

      public final boolean moveNext()
      Jump to the next row in the result
      true if there is a next entry to jump to, false if not
    • gets

      public final java.lang.String gets​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
      Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its name. By default will return "" if there is any problem (column missing, value is null ...)
      sColumnName - column name
      value, defaulting to ""
      See Also:
      gets(String, String), gets(int), gets(int, String)
    • gets

      public final java.lang.String gets​(java.lang.String sColumnName, java.lang.String sDefault)
      Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its name. It will return the given default if there is any problem (column missing, value is null ...)
      sColumnName - column name
      sDefault - default value to return if the column doesn't exist or is null
      value for the column with the same name from the current row
      See Also:
      gets(String), gets(int), gets(int, String)
    • gets

      public final java.lang.String gets​(int iColumn)
      Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its position
      iColumn - column count
      See Also:
      gets(String), gets(String, String), gets(int, String)
    • gets

      public final java.lang.String gets​(int iColumn, java.lang.String sDefault)
      Get the contents of a column from the current row based on its position. It will return the given default if there is any problem (column missing, value is null ...)
      iColumn - position (1 = first column of the result set)
      sDefault - default value to return if the column doesn't exist or is null
      value in the DB or the default value
      See Also:
      gets(String), gets(String, String), gets(int)
    • getDate

      public final java.util.Date getDate​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
      Get the column contents converted to Date. Will return the given default Date if there is a problem parsing the column.
      sColumnName - column name
      date, never null but maybe the current time if the contents cannot be converted to Date
      See Also:
      Format.parseDate(String), getDate(String, Date), getDate(int), getDate(int, Date)
    • getDate

      public final java.util.Date getDate​(java.lang.String sColumnName, java.util.Date dDefault)
      Get the column contents converted to Date. Will return the given default Date if there is a problem parsing the column.
      sColumnName - column name
      dDefault - default value to return if the contents in db cannot be parsed to Date
      date from db, or the default value
      See Also:
      Format.parseDate(String), getDate(String), getDate(int), getDate(int, Date)
    • getDate

      public final java.util.Date getDate​(int iColumn)
      Get the column contents converted to Date. Will return the current date/time as default if there is a problem parsing the column.
      iColumn - column number ( 1 = first column of the result set )
      date from db, or the default value
      See Also:
      Format.parseDate(String), getDate(String), getDate(String, Date), getDate(int, Date)
    • getDate

      public final java.util.Date getDate​(int iColumn, java.util.Date dDefault)
      Get the value of a column as a Date object. Will return the given default Date if there is a problem parsing the column.
      iColumn - column number ( 1 = first column of the result set )
      dDefault - default value to return in case of an error at parsing
      a Date representation of this column
      See Also:
      Format.parseDate(String), getDate(String), getDate(String, Date), getDate(int)
    • geti

      public final int geti​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
      Get the value of this column as int. Will return the current date/time as default if there is a problem parsing the column.
      sColumnName - column
      value as int, or 0 if there is a problem parsing
      See Also:
      geti(String, int), geti(int), geti(int, int)
    • geti

      public final int geti​(java.lang.String sColumnName, int iDefault)
      Get the value of this column as int, returning the default value if the conversion is not possible.
      sColumnName - column name
      iDefault - default value to return
      the value in the db or the given default if there is a problem parsing
      See Also:
      geti(String), geti(int), geti(int, int)
    • geti

      public final int geti​(int iColumn)
      Get the value of this column as int, returning the default value of 0 if the conversion is not possible.
      iColumn - column position
      the value in the db or 0 if there is a problem parsing
      See Also:
      geti(String, int), geti(String), geti(int, int)
    • geti

      public final int geti​(int iColumn, int iDefault)
      Get the integer value of a column. Will return the given default value if the column value cannot be parsed into an integer.
      iColumn - column number
      iDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the integer value of this column
      See Also:
      geti(String, int), geti(int), geti(String)
    • getl

      public final long getl​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
      Get the long value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a long.
      sColumnName - column name
      the long value of this column
      See Also:
      getl(String, long), getl(int), getl(int, long)
    • getl

      public final long getl​(java.lang.String sColumnName, long lDefault)
      Get the long value of a column. Will return the given default value if the column value cannot be parsed into a long.
      sColumnName - column name
      lDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the long value of this column
      See Also:
      getl(String), getl(int), getl(int, long)
    • getl

      public final long getl​(int iColCount)
      Get the long value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a long.
      iColCount - column count
      the long value of this column
      See Also:
      getl(String, long), getl(String), getl(int, long)
    • getl

      public final long getl​(int iColCount, long lDefault)
      Get the long value of a column. Will return the given default value if the column value cannot be parsed into a long.
      iColCount - column count
      lDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the long value of this column
      See Also:
      getl(String, long), getl(int), getl(String)
    • getf

      public final float getf​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
      Get the float value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a float.
      sColumnName - column name
      the float value of this column
    • getf

      public final float getf​(java.lang.String sColumnName, float fDefault)
      Get the float value of a column. Will return the given default value if the column value cannot be parsed into a float.
      sColumnName - column name
      fDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the float value of this column
    • getf

      public final float getf​(int iColumn)
      Get the float value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a float.
      iColumn - column position
      the float value of this column
    • getf

      public final float getf​(int iColumn, float fDefault)
      Get the float value of a column. Will return the given default value if the column value cannot be parsed into a float.
      iColumn - column position
      fDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the float value of this column
    • getd

      public final double getd​(java.lang.String sColumnName)
      Get the double value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a double.
      sColumnName - column name
      the double value of this column
    • getd

      public final double getd​(java.lang.String sColumnName, double dDefault)
      Get the double value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a double.
      sColumnName - column name
      dDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the double value of this column
    • getd

      public final double getd​(int iColumn)
      Get the double value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a double.
      iColumn - column position
      the double value of this column
    • getd

      public final double getd​(int iColumn, double dDefault)
      Get the double value of a column. Will return 0 by default if the column value cannot be parsed into a double.
      iColumn - column position
      dDefault - default value to return in case of a parsing error
      the double value of this column
    • getb

      public final boolean getb​(java.lang.String sColumn, boolean bDefault)
      Get the boolean value of a column
      sColumn - column name
      bDefault - default value
      true/false, obviously :)
      See Also:
      Utils.stringToBool(String, boolean), getb(int, boolean)
    • getb

      public final boolean getb​(int iColumn, boolean bDefault)
      Get the boolean value of a column
      iColumn - column index
      bDefault - default value
      true/false, obviously :)
      See Also:
      Utils.stringToBool(String, boolean), getb(String, boolean)
    • getBytes

      public final byte[] getBytes​(int iColumn)
      Get the raw bytes of this column
      iColumn -
      the bytes of this column
    • getBytes

      public final byte[] getBytes​(java.lang.String columnName)
      Get the raw bytes of this column
      columnName -
      the bytes of this column
    • getStringArray

      public final java.util.List<java.lang.String> getStringArray​(java.lang.String sColumn)
      Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of StriG96Lng objects
      sColumn - column name
      the values in the array, as Strings
    • getStringArray

      public final java.util.List<java.lang.String> getStringArray​(int iColumn)
      Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of String objects
      iColumn - column index
      the values in the array, as Strings
    • getIntArray

      public final java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getIntArray​(java.lang.String sColumn)
      Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of Integer objects
      sColumn - column name
      the values in the array, as Integers
    • getIntArray

      public final java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getIntArray​(int iColumn)
      Extract a PostgreSQL array into a Collection of Integer objects
      iColumn - column index
      the values in the array, as Integers
    • decodeToInt

      public static java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> decodeToInt​(java.lang.String sValue)
      Convert each entry from an array to Integer.
      sValue -
      the members of the database array, as list of Integer objects
    • decodeToLong

      public static java.util.List<java.lang.Long> decodeToLong​(java.lang.String sValue)
      Convert each entry from an array to Long.
      sValue -
      the members of the database array, as list of Long objects
    • decode

      public static java.util.List<java.lang.String> decode​(java.lang.String sValue)
      Given an array in PostgreSQL format, convert it to a Java array of Strings.
      sValue -
      the members of the database array, as list of String objects
    • encodeArray

      public static java.lang.String encodeArray​(java.util.Collection<?> array)
      Generate a PostgreSQL array representation of the given one-dimensional collection. For details consult the documentation.
      array -
      a string encoding of the values
    • getMetaData

      public final java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()
      Get the meta information for the current query. You can look at this structure to extract column names, types and so on.
      the meta information for the current query.
    • getColumnNames

      public final java.lang.String[] getColumnNames()
      A shortcut to find out the column names for this query
      an array of column names
    • getOpenedConnectionsCount

      public static final long getOpenedConnectionsCount()
      Statistics : the total number of opened connection to the databases until now.
      total number of opened connections.
    • getClosedConnectionsCount

      public static final long getClosedConnectionsCount()
      Statistics : the total number of closed connection to the databases until now.
      total number of closed connections.
    • getClosedOnFinalizeConnectionsCount

      public static final long getClosedOnFinalizeConnectionsCount()
      Statistics : the total number of closed connection to the databases executed when the object is deallocated.
      total number of closed connections on object deallocation.
    • getQueryCount

      public static final long getQueryCount()
      Statistics : get the total number of executed queries.
      number of executed queries.
    • getActiveConnectionsCount

      public static final long getActiveConnectionsCount()
      Statistics : get the number of connections currently established
      the number of active connections
    • getActiveConnections

      public static final java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer> getActiveConnections()
      Statistics : get the number of connections per each unique key
      a map of key - number of active connections
    • getEquivalentInsert

      public final java.lang.String getEquivalentInsert​(java.lang.String sTable)
      Get the SQL INSERT statement that would generate the current row with all the columns (their aliases more precisely).
      sTable - table name
      the INSERT statement, or null if any problem
    • getEquivalentInsert

      public final java.lang.String getEquivalentInsert​(java.lang.String sTable, java.lang.String[] columns)
      Get the SQL INSERT statement that would generate the current row, for the given list of columns
      sTable - table name
      columns - what column names are to be taken into account
      the INSERT statement, or null if there was any problem
    • getValuesMap

      public final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getValuesMap()
      Convert the result set in a column name -> value mapping
      the column name -> value mapping
    • getEquivalentInsert

      public final java.lang.String getEquivalentInsert​(java.lang.String sTable, java.lang.String[] columns, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> overrides)
      Get the SQL INSERT statement that would generate the current row, for the given list of columns
      sTable - table name
      columns - what column names are to be taken into account. Non-existing column names are ignored.
      overrides - value overrides. Column names that don't exist in the columns selection are appended to the output.
      the INSERT statement, or null if there was any problem
    • getFormattedValue

      public static java.lang.String getFormattedValue​(java.lang.Object o)
      Get the value formatted for SQL statements
      o - value to format
      formatted string, depending on the object type
    • composeInsert

      public static java.lang.String composeInsert​(java.lang.String tableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> values)
      Create an INSERT statement for these values
      tableName - table name
      values - column - value mapping
      the SQL statement, or null if there was any problem
    • composeUpdate

      public static java.lang.String composeUpdate​(java.lang.String tableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> values, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> primaryKeys)
      Compose an UPDATE SQL statement
      tableName - table name
      values - column - value mapping
      primaryKeys - the set of primary keys from the values map
      the UPDATE statement
    • composeUpsert

      public static java.lang.String composeUpsert​(java.lang.String tableName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> values, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> primaryKeys)
      Build a INSERT-on-conflict-UPDATE query
      tableName -
      values -
      primaryKeys -
      PostgreSQL-compatible UPSERT command
    • getObject

      public java.lang.Object getObject​(int columnId)
      Get the content of a column, as native object prepared by the JDBC driver
      columnId -
      the content of the respective column, as an object
    • getObject

      public java.lang.Object getObject​(java.lang.String columnName)
      Get the content of a column, as native object prepared by the JDBC driver
      columnName -
      the content of the respective column, as an object